syah inoue

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Salam to all of you...

Salam to all bloggers and viewers..

Hope you all in a good health...

Happy New Year 2012!!!!!!!!!!

May all your works done and move step ahead to raise you up from all the mistakes and troubles which has happened last year.. Take your mind straight to the future.. Put your past behind.. So that you can fly and touch the sky.. High above the rest and become the best.. Go! Go! Go!...

Furthermore, the weather is unpredictable these days..
So, take good care of your body to stay healthy.. Don't get wet in the rain.. Drink a lot of clean water.. That's the key of healthy.. Don't eat too much meat.. It's bad for your body.. Eat more vegetables.. To know more about healthy just go to my Lifestyle corner where you can find such an amazing facts and sites about health, lifestyle, beauty and leisure..

Take care.. Stay healthy..May GOD bless us all...

Thank you for visiting & reading my blog..
Any inquiry or comment or share please send to me at

Friday, March 7, 2008

Projek terkini `Lagendaku' @ `My Legends'

Projek yang mengambil masa 10 tahun ini akan mencapai kemuncaknya tahun ini. Ini adalah projek pertama ku untuk menghasilkan novel.Semoga ianya siap sepenuhnya dan akan memberi kepuasan kepada sesiapapun yang menyaksikan dan membacanya. InsyaAllah, dengan terbitnya novel ini nanti akan memberikan minat dan respons yang positif daripada pembaca yang meminati novel-novel fiksyen khayalan. Selain kisah novel ini nanti turut mengandungi puisi-puisi yang menarik. Doakan kejayaan saya....


Syah Inoue said...

hope u will success iwth ur 1st book

Anonymous said...

syam cmne ngn novel, ok??? take care